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Bridging Disciplines: Reflections on ReAnimate Summer School and Interdisciplinary Approaches in Digital Game Studies

by Sophie Bémelmans and Adrian Demleitner

In June 2024, the ReAnimate Summer School in Montréal brought together a diverse group of scholars and practitioners from all over the world to explore the intersections of digital game history, criticism, and development. This unique event, organized by Concordia University, Université de Montréal, and École de Technologie Supérieure, aimed to bridge the gap between humanities and engineering in digital game studies, and initated by Carl Therrien, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, Fabio Petrillo, and their team. As researchers from Confoederatio Ludens, we participated in this week-long program that challenged traditional disciplinary boundaries. The summer school featured a rich mix of academic presentations, practical workshops and collaborative activities, providing a multifaceted approach to understanding digital games as complex cultural and technological artefacts.

This blog post reflects on our experiences at ReAnimate, highlighting key insights gained and exploring the crucial role of interdisciplinary collaboration in advancing the field of digital game studies. Through this reflection, we aim to contribute to the ongoing dialogue about research methodologies and collaborative approaches in our rapidly evolving discipline.

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“The Feel of Sweaty Fingers” – The CH LUDENS Team’s First Memories of Digital Games

by the CH Ludens Team

How did we as scientists become what we are today? Where does our interest in digital games come from? Join us on a short autobiographical journey to the ludic beginnings of the CH LUDENS team.

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First CH Ludens workshop: Focus on interview methodologies

by Sophie Bémelmans

As the inaugural host, we prioritized interview methodology due to widespread interest among project members in conducting oral history. We collaborated with the Swiss Museum of Games, under the direction of Selim Krichane, who graciously hosted this workshop.

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Our delegation in Seville for DiGRA 2023

by Yannick Rochat, Larissa Wild, Pierre-Yves Hurel, Sophie Bémelmans and Eugen Pfister

A project like Confoederatio Ludens requires that we regularly attend conferences in order to present our results, gather constructive feedback, and keep an eye on what our international colleagues are discovering. This year, the annual conference of the Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) – the main research community in game studies – happened in Seville, Spain, on the site of the universal exposition of 1992. We sent 6 delegates to the conference: Sophie Bémelmans (UNIL), Pierre-Yves Hurel (UNIL), Mela Kocher (ZHdK), Eugen Pfister (HKB), Yannick Rochat (UNIL) and Larissa Wild (ZHdK). Here is an overview of their week.

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